We welcome the opportunity to collaborate with any therapist or treatment professional a youth may already be engaged with. Physicians, teachers, mentors, coaches or any other person who has a vested interest in the well-being of an adolescent may be involved with the consent of both the teen and their parents.
At Paradigm Treatment, we welcome all prospective clients, who wish to visit, explore our facility, and meet with members of our treatment team. We recommend that you visit any treatment program you are considering before making a commitment. If a program is reluctant to allow you to visit, or presses you to make a commitment before you visit, this is cause for concern.
Please Contact Us now with any questions or to schedule a tour.
Paradigm Treatment’s residential program for teens and young adults is 30-90-days. Some families decide to stay with us up to 45, and sometimes 90 days, based on clinical recommendations from the treatment team. As a direct result of the intensity of our program, we believe 30 days is sufficient time for most young people to achieve meaningful, sustainable changes. Programs that require a commitment of longer than thirty days prior to diagnostic testing should be examined carefully. It is our belief that quality treatment should be both intensive and brief. This allows adolescents and their family members to get back to their lives as quickly as is appropriate. Families can make an informed decision with the treatment team if and when they wish to extend their stay, when it is in alignment with the treatment team’s clinical recommendation.
At Paradigm Treatment we have assembled a highly qualified team of professionals who have dedicated their careers to the treatment of young people and their families. Our clinical staff consists of Psychiatrists, Clinical Psychologist, Marriage and Family Therapists and Clinical Social Workers. The clinical team is devoted to identifying and treating the core issues rather than merely focusing on behaviors.
Learn more about the Paradigm Team
The importance of this question cannot be underestimated. Many treatment programs do not have stringent admissions criteria. As a result, teens that enter such programs are frequently, and unnecessarily, exposed to peers who introduce them to new destructive behaviors and dangers. At Paradigm Treatment, we are committed to a thorough screening process to ensure that all persons accepted into the program are a good fit. In an effort to create a safe treatment environment, we do not accept persons with known histories of violence, sexual perpetrators, fire starters, gang affiliated youth, or those who have a history of behaviors which might put others at risk. We are committed to maintaining an environment that is both physically and emotionally safe for all participants.
Learn more about Who We Treat
Paradigm provides all participants with one-on-one sessions4 days a week. While the use of group sessions to treat young people is appropriate and effective, it is important to note, that it is possible for many prominent issues to go unaddressed in a program that relies too heavily on this modality. Individual sessions offer participants a unique opportunity to share privately, away from their peers. If a program is offering one-on-one sessions only one or two times a week, valuable treatment opportunities are likely to be missed.
It is important to know the specifics of the educational components of any treatment program. At Paradigm Treatment, all clients are provided with a thorough education assessment upon admission. The on-site teacher, working with the primary therapist, will devise a plan to help our client achieve their short- and long-term goals as it related to their specific schooling needs. With the permission of families, and when appropriate, academic plans are coordinated with the participant’s home school. This allows us to ensure we are using the program’s academic time in the way that will be most beneficial for each individual client.If a client that is not currently enrolled in school comes to Paradigm, we will work with the individual and family to decipher a plan that will help in their specific situation.
When families come to us, they often report that the person for whom they are seeking treatment has been having difficulties associated with school. In most cases, this is not due to a lack of ability as the clients we work with are bright, intelligent and have a lot of natural ability. We treat a lot of youth who deal with debilitating anxiety that makes attending school a challenge. Sadly, many youths deal with bullying in school that impacts their ability to consistentlyattend and engage in coursework, leading to feelings of hopelessness.They may be thinking of quitting school or may be convinced that their prior performance will prohibit them from getting into the University of their choice.
While school is not the priority in treatment, it is an important aspect of the individual that cannot be ignored. By supporting a client’s academic needs while in treatment, we can best prepare them to re-integrate back to school socially and academically.
A treatment plan can be no stronger than the assessments upon which it is based. That is why at Paradigm Treatment, all participants are given multiple assessments upon admission. We believe that it is imperative that we learn all that we can to design the best course of treatment. It is important to note that this approach differs from the standard. At most programs, teens are assessed by an unlicensed, paraprofessional who is charged with determining if there are factors present that would justify sending the youth to a licensed professional for an evaluation. Experience has taught us that this approach frequently results in important factors going undiscovered until a great deal of valuable treatment time has been lost. It frequently sets youth up for failure, and requires that they remain in treatment much longer than would have been otherwise necessary.
At Paradigm Treatment, we believe that family involvement is imperative for the successful treatment of all our program participants. We recognize that family members may be unable to participate in all aspects of treatment due to work commitments, geographic location, or other factors. For this reason, we make every effort to reach out and provide our services by tele-health, telephone, or other means when necessary or desired. We offer Parent Coaching, Education and Effectiveness Training, Individual Family Therapy, Sibling Support Groups, and ongoing Alumni Parent Support Services. Our team is available to answer questions and provide support to families, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, three hundred and sixty-five days a year.
Yes. But it is imperative to distinguish between gender specific treatment and gender exclusive treatment. Gender specific treatment allows programs to focus on the unique needs experienced by young men and women during the challenging transition of adolescence. This is very different however from gender exclusive treatment in which programs treat only one gender, or segregate genders.
The latter approach can easily create a dynamic where important issues are avoided rather than addressed. If an issue is going to arise related to how an individual relates to the opposite gender, we want that issue to come up during the course of treatment so that we may address it accordingly. What we want to avoid is creating an artificial, single gender environment in which the teen may thrive; only to return them to a co-gendered world.
Numerous studies support our belief that while gender specific treatment is desirable, it is more effective to treat young people in a co-gendered setting, as this best reflects real life. The end result of effective treatment should be a young person empowered with the skill and knowledge base required to have appropriate, healthy relationships, with persons of both genders.
At Paradigm Treatment we take confidentiality very seriously. Every employee is subjected to an exhaustive background check and must sign a stringent confidentiality agreement. We never allow community meetings or media into the facility. Our efforts to protect our client’s confidentiality exceed the highest industry standards and regulations. We take great pride in the fact that we have never had a breach of confidentiality.
No, Paradigm Treatment Centers exclusively provides residential treatment. There are significant differences between Residential Treatment (RTC), Intensive Outpatient (IOP) and Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHP) as it relates to operating a program and the clinical work and focus provided. We have always been laser focused on providing the highest quality residential treatment programs.
Please bring enough comfortable clothing to last one week to ten days. You might also want to include a light jacket, as the ocean breeze can be cool in the early morning and evening hours. You will likely also want to bring your own grooming supplies as most of us have a specific brand of soap, toothpaste, shampoo, etc. that we prefer. We provide towels, pillows, and blankets, but you may bring your own if you wish. $100 in spending cash is recommended. In addition, you are welcome to bring photos, a stuffed animal, or other personal items that might bring you comfort while you are in the program. We ask that you not bring items that are valuable, irreplaceable, or that hold great sentimental value, as we cannot guarantee that the items will remain safe.
Also, in an effort to keep the program physically, and emotionally, safe for everyone, we do not allow the following: weapons, cell phones, cameras of any type (video, digital, disposable, etc.), or audible music players (personal players with headphones are acceptable), personal computers, non-prescription drugs (excluding supplements), alcohol, any smoking, vaping or nicotine products and any clothing, music or other items that promote drug use, violence, or that offend others based on ascribed status.
The first day you enter treatment, we begin planning your return home. Your life at home, outside of treatment remains the center point of all that we do. Every individual and group session are designed to provide you with skills and knowledge that are directly applicable to your life outside of treatment. We place an emphasis on a strong aftercare plan, as it is imperative a client has support in place as they transition home from a residential setting with 24/7 support. As with treatment plans, every aftercare plan is individualized and based on each teen’s unique needs and objectives. We have clients who come to Paradigm from all over the country, and our team will research and provide aftercare referrals in your community.
We welcome the opportunity to collaborate with any therapist or treatment professional a youth may already be engaged with. Physicians, teachers, mentors, coaches or any other person who has a vested interest in the well-being of an adolescent may be involved with the consent of both the teen and their parents. Such collaborations frequently allow us to achieve treatment goals more expeditiously and help to create smoother transitions to life after treatment.
Yes, at Paradigm Treatment accessibility matters. We are in-network with major insurance providers and, when not contracted, will work with out-of-network benefits. We are committed to providing the highest quality treatment to as many families as possible. Click HERE for a risk free insurance verification.
If we haven’t answered your question(s) simply give us a call. Whether or not your loved one comes to Paradigm Treatment, we are here to assist you and answer your questions 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We know how difficult it is to reach out and ask for help. It is the first and most challenging step on the road to recovery.
Click HERE to contact us now.
Every adolescent is unique, and each family has its own dynamics, so there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. However, a significant red flag to watch for is if your child is not actively participating in their life. Can your child attend school, socialize, and engage in extracurricular activities that they enjoy? If not, it might be time to consider seeking residential treatment.
We often hear from parents about situations where their child, who is a talented musician or artist, stops engaging in their passion due to emotional struggles. It’s important to ask questions and seek guidance if you’re worried about your child’s behavior. Our admissions team is available 24/7 to discuss your family’s situation in more detail and determine if residential placement is appropriate
At Paradigm Treatment, we take a conservative approach to medication. While it can be a helpful tool and sometimes necessary, it is never our first line of treatment. It’s important to remember that our clients are at an age where they are still developing physically, mentally, and emotionally. Therefore, we avoid introducing medication unless there is a compelling reason to do so.
Medication management at our facility is tailored to each individual and family. It’s common for clients to come to us with an existing medication regimen or a history of trying different medications. If our psychiatrist believes a change in medication could be beneficial, we will discuss this option with the family in detail. Parental approval is always obtained before administering any medication.
We also emphasize the importance of educating our clients about their medications. Many of our clients enter the program without understanding why they are taking certain medications or how they work. At Paradigm Treatment, we makeevery effort to ensure that our clients are fully informed about the medications they are prescribed.
No, we strongly believe that treatment should not be seen as a punishment. While point or level-based systems are often used in adolescent treatment, they are primarily designed for addressing behavioral and conduct disorders. Our clients, however, struggle mainly with mental and emotional health issues. We aim for the teens in our program to focus entirely on their recovery by making positive changes in their behaviors, not by earning rewards. We do not believe it is appropriate for our clients to have to earn basic privileges.
Moreover, the young people we work with are highly intelligent. Often, a point or level-based system can be easily manipulated, with teens participating in the program merely to earn points rather than genuinely working towards self-improvement.
At Paradigm Treatment, recovery is about developing the intrinsic ability to adjust negative coping mechanisms, strengthen self-perception, and boost self-confidence. Therefore, we find point or level-based reward systems counterproductive. Additionally, such systems do not adequately prepare our young people for the real world.
Even without a point system, we emphasize personal accountability. Our clients are required to clean up after themselves, such as tidying their rooms, washing their laundry, and loading the dishwasher after meals. We value the importance of each role in our program and give equal respect to everyone, whether they are a client, therapist, doctor, or one of the program founders.
Paradigm Treatment offers a short-term care option for teenagers and young adults, with an average stay ranging from thirty to nintey days. Most residential adolescent treatment programs follow a long-term care model, typically lasting three to six months or even longer. While some young people may benefit from long-term care, it’s important to remember that adolescence is a period of significant growth. Removing a teen from their home for over three months can present its own challenges. Additionally, many long-term care models do not provide intensive treatment, often offering individual therapy only once a week and group therapy a few times a week.
At Paradigm Treatment, we take a different approach by providing extensive, daily therapy for each of our clients. We offer individual therapy 4 days a week and group therapy multiple times a day. Although our program duration is shorter, we incorporate as many, if not more, therapeutic activities for our teenagers than long-term programs. While long-term treatment for teens can be effective and there are many excellent programs available, our goal was to create an alternative. We provide a safe environment for our clients to receive treatment with the goal of reintegrating them into their home lives as quickly as possible.
Measuring success in any treatment setting can be challenging, especially when working with young people with mental and emotional health issues. Each young person’s success will look different, as everyone is unique. While we would love to claim that we can ‘cure’ a client’s ailments, that would be unrealistic. At Paradigm Treatment, we believe that treatment is not about eliminating all obstacles and challenges in a teenager’s life, but rather about teaching healthy and sustainable coping mechanisms for managing their emotions. Through this approach, our clients will improve their self-esteem, boost their self-confidence, and work towards cultivating a positive overall self-view, while being equipped with the tools for continued growth and recovery.
Click HERE to read about the outcome study Paradigm conducted with the help of Pepperdine University.
Yes, it is common for us to transition clients from a hospital to Paradigm Treatment. Typically, the brief hospital stay is focused on triage and managing immediate risks. Hospitals often do not address the underlying issues necessary for beginning the healing process. This is where Paradigm Treatment steps in. We emphasize the importance of learning new ways to approach recovery. By integrating healthier coping mechanisms and addressing the root causes of their struggles, we help reduce the risk of a teen returning to the same environment in the future.