Group Therapy for Teens and Young Adults
At Paradigm Treatment, we believe that providing adolescent treatment is like trying to piece together the best puzzle, combining a number of different approaches, tools, and experiences that will best set up a particular teen to engage in his or her own healing process. This level of individuality, with which we strive to design our treatment plans, is both the beauty and difficulty of our process. It is the reason for the extensive list of therapy modalities and programs that we offer to teens here at Paradigm.
Amidst all the optional or moving parts that may or may not be incorporated into a treatment plan, Teen Group Therapy is one staple of the treatment plans that we always include. In many ways, group therapy provides a perfect complement to our individual therapy sessions, helping to encourage, deepen, and further the deep transformative work that’s taking place.
What is Group Therapy?
Group therapy is a type of counseling that takes place in a group setting. Typically, group therapy sessions involve multiple attendees and at least one therapist. During sessions, group members typically discuss a specific topic. They may share their feelings and talk about their own personal stories as they relate to the purpose of their gathering.
The Benefits of Mental Health Group Therapy for Teens and Young Adults
When it comes to group therapy programs for mental health, the benefits are vast. Young people who partake in group therapy can expect to gain much from their experiences in such a supportive environment.
Many teens who struggle with their mental health find it difficult to express how they feel and what they think. It can be hard to discuss such matters with family members and even friends. But, group therapy can help tremendously in this area.
Group sessions give group members the opportunity to improve their communication skills. Since group therapy takes place in a group setting, it requires individuals to speak with one another or a therapist. The success of this type of therapy is contingent on the communication of its members.
One of the most powerful aspects of group therapy for adolescents is the use of peer interaction as a tool for healing and recovery cannot be stressed enough. The need for peer relationships is stronger at this stage of human development than at any other. Group therapy creates opportunities for meaningful positive engagement and encouragement within group therapy sessions,
At Paradigm, we implement a social group modality that includes didactic, experiential, and interpersonal process-oriented work. With the professional guidance and encouragement of our therapists, adolescents frequently have a profoundly positive impact on each other’s ability to find value in approaching life differently and in meeting recovery goals.
Teen group therapy encourages younger people to move forward and keep pushing themselves to improve. In the company of other group members who are also facing challenges related to mental health challenges or substance abuse issues, teens often find the courage to be strong. They find the will to be strong for both themselves and for each other.
Young people find relief and peace in knowing that they’re not the only ones that struggle with these kinds of thoughts, beliefs, behaviors, or symptoms. Since this helps teens not to feel as isolated or “weird” compared to their peers, it can be a very powerful factor in helping teens to engage in their recovery and face their struggles honestly, rather than with resistance.
Group therapy allows teens to see that they are not alone. When they’re going through a hard time, they can talk to their new friends and fellow group members. They have a safe space where they don’t have to feel the pain of loneliness anymore.
Teen group therapy sessions also provide teens the opportunity to evaluate another person’s struggles from an external perspective, noticing in others the falsity of thoughts and beliefs that might also be present- but less noticeable- in themselves.
When people understand what others are going through, they are more likely to be an encouragement to them. When struggling teens are around other teens who are working to get better, they may find themselves striving to pursue their own recovery, as well.
It can be hard for younger people to feel comfortable opening up to others about their struggles. But there’s great value and healing in getting to be honest and open about one’s challenges. Group therapy for teens and young adults allows younger individuals to open up and experience non-judgment and acceptance from their peers.
Teens’ challenges with mental health illnesses often include some aspect of withdrawal from peers. We believe that the openness of group settings for therapy fosters the courage young individuals need to actively re-engage in their peer community. After all, this is a crucial aspect of recovery and healing.
Group therapy can help young individuals develop healthy coping skills as the group works together to improve their thought processes and patterns. Therapy groups encourage teens to respond to triggers and stressors in a healthy way.
For example, a group therapy session may equip a teen with the ability to deal with anxiety more calmly than before. Or, teens may learn how to deal with the effects of childhood trauma or other traumatic experiences in healthier ways.
Our teen group therapy sessions are often some of the most profound, powerful, and enjoyable times throughout recovery for the adolescents at Paradigm. These sessions provide our residents with an opportunity to give and receive.
Group sessions help teens to recognize that they still have something to offer others. This enables them to regain a sense of confidence and increased self-esteem. They learn to share honestly with their peers and to experience a sense of meaning and pride from encouraging others in their own healing.
Our uniquely small group settings and our intentional commitment to only treating a limited number of adolescents at a time allow our group sessions to be more effective. Rather than moving from group to group during their recovery, our teens routinely engage with the same small groups of peers. This allows creates a sense of community between your child and other group members. It also allows for authentic connections between the group and the therapist.
In effect, this means that even our support group therapy sessions maintain a concentrated, close dynamic that allows for very specific, specialized work to take place.

How Paradigm Treatment’s Group Therapy Can Help Your Teen
Here at Paradigm, we value the feelings of our residents. We know that living with mental health issues or substance use problems can be incredibly difficult, especially for younger people. This is why we offer a personalized approach to treatment. If your teen is encountering difficult feelings and isn’t sure how to work through them, let us help.
It is not uncommon for behavioral issues to arise when mental health concerns are present. These issues can affect people’s daily lives, negatively impacting the way they feel about themselves and how they interact with others. Mental health conditions can cause relationship issues in a teen’s life, leading to anxiety, fear, low self-esteem, and more.
Fortunately, however, there is hope for teens who struggle with substance use and mental health conditions. Through group therapy, young individuals can develop healthy relationships with new friends, receive constant support, be held accountable, and grow into the people they were meant to be! We strive to make sure teen group members feel safe, supported, and equipped for everyday life.
Contact Paradigm Treatment Today!
To learn more about our individual therapy, family therapy, and group therapy programs, contact us today. We are here to help bring healing to your child and family. Allow us to support your child’s recovery and provide them with the tools they need to move forward. We look forward to walking with your family members on this journey to happiness and wholeness!
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