Who We Treat:

Young Adults (ages 18-26)

Comprehensive Residential Treatment for Young Adults Facing Mental, Emotional and Behavioral Health Challenges: At Paradigm Treatment we recognize the unique challenges faced by young adults (18-26) during the transition from adolescence to adulthood and are committed to creating a safe environment catering to those needs. This pivotal time involves tremendous transformation as teens leave behind the security and dependency of their younger selves to embrace the greater responsibilities and freedoms of adulthood in an ever-chaotic world.  

Traditional treatment options for young adults have been limited to adult programs that serve clients aged 18 and older. These programs place young adults alongside individuals in various stages of life, missing valuable peer-to-peer dynamics and learning opportunities. Recognizing this gap in care Paradigm Treatment created a residential program specific to young adults aged 18-26.  

The Paradigm Young Adult program focuses on addressing mental health issues during this crucial developmental phase. Whether they were once straight-A students now struggling with college grades, victims of high school bullying feeling alienated and anxious, individuals coping with trauma and loss, or a young adult struggling with substance use, our program provides tailored care. We help clients build self-awareness, heal from past traumas, learn coping strategies, life skills, and interpersonal tactics. Our skilled medical, clinical, and psychological staff work closely with each client, ensuring personalized support from the moment they enter our program. At Paradigm, we empower young adults to build meaningful lives and equip them with skills to thrive beyond the completion of our program. 

Our Philosophy: At Paradigm, we recognize that negative behaviors often emerge as coping strategies for underlying issues such as anxiety, depression, trauma, and low self-esteem. Our approach delves deeper than surface-level symptoms to uncover and address the core issues driving these behaviors. We focus on emotional regulation and enhancing communication skills, believing that by understanding and tackling these root causes, we can prevent the formation of new negative coping mechanisms. 

Adapting to a Changing World: Today’s young adults face a complex and rapidly evolving landscape, markedly different from that of previous generations. The ongoing and rapid advancement of technology, particularly cell phones, social media, and the internet, has significantly increased their exposure to global issues, information, and unhealthy social dynamics. This constant connectivity can lead to heightened stress and anxiety as they navigate the pressures of maintaining an online presence and dealing with cyberbullying. 

Moreover, larger societal issues such as global warming, social inequalities, and political instability weigh heavily on their minds, contributing to a sense of urgency and responsibility. These challenges often force young adults to mature faster, grappling with adult-like concerns at an earlier age. 

At Paradigm Treatment, we recognize these unique pressures and have evolved our young adult residential treatment programs to address the contemporary challenges faced by young adults. Our tailored approach ensures that we meet the specific mental health needs of each individual, providing them with the tools and support necessary to thrive in today’s world. 

Tailored Treatment Plans: At Paradigm Treatment Center, we take pride in offering individualized treatment plans for every young adult. Each person’s journey is unique, and our young adult residential program is dedicated to addressing the specific mental, emotional and behavioral health needs of each client. Our unwavering commitment ensures that, despite the differences in past experiences, every individual receives the personalized care they deserve. 

Therapeutic Approach: Our therapists at Paradigm Treatment Center are dedicated to helping young adults navigate their mental health challenges. In therapy, we address symptoms, feelings, thoughts, and behaviors, as well as the underlying habits and beliefs that may exist beneath the surface. 

We recognize that many young adults face “failure to launch” issues, struggling to transition into independent adulthood. These challenges can manifest as behavioral issues, such as avoidance, lack of motivation, and difficulty in taking on responsibilities. Our therapists work closely with clients to understand and confront these obstacles, providing the support and strategies needed to foster independence and personal growth. By addressing both the immediate symptoms and the deeper issues, we help young adults build a solid foundation for a successful and fulfilling future.

Medication Management: Managing medication is a crucial component of mental health treatment. While it should never be the first resort, medication plays an important role that must be carefully addressed. At Paradigm, we closely monitor and adjust medications as needed to ensure optimal outcomes. Whether a client is continuing an existing medication or starting a new regimen, our goal is to provide comprehensive support throughout the process. 

We’re Here to Help

Whether you’re interested in starting the admissions process or have some general questions, our admissions team is standing by to help.

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