What and What Not to Bring to Treatment
In an effort to keep the program physically, and emotionally, safe for everyone, we do not allow the following items: weapons, cell phones, cameras of any type (video, digital, disposable, etc. ) or audible music players. (As stated above, personal players with headphones or ear buds are acceptable), non-prescription drugs (excluding supplements) or alcohol.
What to Pack
We encourage all adolescents to bring enough comfortable clothing to last seven to ten days. Laundry facilities are provided. Youth do their own laundry and staff members are available to help those who need assistance.
Each program participant is also encouraged to bring a light jacket as the ocean breeze can be cool in the early morning and evening hours regardless of time of year.
Youth may bring swim suits to wear to the beach. This is optional and at each individual’s discretion. Paradigm provides wet suits for those who wish to participate in surfing or other ocean related activities.
Many young people like to bring their own grooming supplies. While we provide all of the basics, experience has taught us that most program participants have a specific brand of soap, toothpaste, shampoo, etc. that they prefer to use. Bring what you wish and we will supply the rest.
We also provide towels, pillows and blankets. Some adolescents have a special pillow or blanket that helps them sleep better. These items are welcome.
Those who wear make up are welcome to bring it to wear while in treatment.
Curling irons, razors, tweezers and similar grooming tools are fine to bring. For safety reasons, any grooming tool that can cause injury, will be secured in the staff office and must be checked out for use.
$100 in spending cash is recommended.
Youth may bring laptop computers for school use. Laptop computers remain locked in the staff office and can only be used during school hours under the direct supervision of a staff member.
In addition, youth may bring photos, stuffed animals, books or other personal items that bring them comfort while they are in the program.
Finally it is fine for youth to bring a personal music player. It is important that the device not have Internet access. Also, headphones or ear buds must be worn in consideration for others.
What Not to Pack
In an effort to keep the program physically, and emotionally, safe for everyone, we do not allow the following items: weapons, cell phones, cameras of any type (video, digital, disposable, etc. ), non-prescription drugs (excluding supplements), alcohol, any smoking, vaping or nicotine products or audible music players. (As stated above, personal players with headphones or ear buds are acceptable).
Clothing, music, images or other items that promote drug use, violence, or that offend others based on ascribed or acquired status are not permitted.
We also ask that youth not bring items that are valuable, irreplaceable or that hold great sentimental value. Historically we have not had issues with theft or destruction of personal property, but we can not and do not accept responsibility for such items.
If you have any questions or special requests related to travel or packing, please know that we are available 24/7 to be of assistance at (855) 921-4973.