Marquis Hundley

Marquis is a former Division 1 football player at the University of Arizona who has a passion for fitness, education, and helping others. As a youth he was always active and involved in sports as well as various other activities. His time and energy spent in sports translated directly onto the field. He excelled in football and received a full ride scholarship to play Defensive back at the U of A, where he stared on defense and led the team in interceptions as a senior. Upon entering college with an eager and hungry mind set, he gravitated towards strength training and quickly fell in love with it. After a short stint with the Chicago Bears of the NFL, Marquis closed the chapter of his football career and geared his attention towards athletic training and helping others reach their highest fitness potential. He began interning at the University of Arizona where NFL players would return to campus in the offseason to train and sharpen their skills. Soon after, he moved back to California where he would start to do more one-on-one training.

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